Saturday, September 5, 2015

Right to Bare Arms

Practicing my right to bare arms
Kiki is back to school, so our art gallery is reopening. We also all got a cold, which kicks starts our next year of snot filled, brain flexing glory. My kids are "super smart" as I like to say, and they require so much attention it drives me to the edge of insanity. I find myself recovering mainly based on gratitude, because if I looked to the media I'd probably drown myself.
I read another shooting took place last week, at a Sacramento campus, although they're finding it wasn't a deranged gunman, but rather violence bred from birth. I'm not sure which is worse, although I don't think gang members should get the lead-end because white kids come off as "depressed" and "sad" after shooting off rounds, since their violence was absorbed through video games and abhorrent advertisements for cheap guns, instead of hearing actual war zone violence outside their bedroom windows.
Here is the thing with gun reform, there are people who are equipped to own fire arms, but it should not be a right for every citizen. It's not anti-American to say we don't all have the right to bear arms, especially after those idiots made that lady smother her baby after they shot her son chasing the family dog during the Ruby Ridge Massacre, because things have gotten out of hand. Timothy McVeigh, in his younger days said, "When guns are outlawed, I will become an outlaw," and he ended up the most atrocious US terrorist. What did gun yielding get him? Nothing, but it got us, as in the U.S., a slap in the face, and we stupidly mistook it as government treason.

There are sound reasons why people hate the government, but allowing guns to fall into any one's hands, leading way to murderous violence, is not a way to take a stand with the government. Since the government's inapt, hands-tied attitude toward gun reform doesn't show any sign of stepping in to try and disarm the population, I have an idea for future deranged gunmen. This is going to sound like I should be on anti-psychotics, but instead of gunmen killing innocent, bright-faced people, why not let their rage out on the child molesters and horrific rapists listed, with address and photo, on Megan's Law. It seems so sensible to me, to knock off the bane of our existence. It's unapologetic, and non-liberal, but still, if someone should be killed, take the bottom of the barrel first. The killer can feel like they're accomplishing two goals; mass media coverage, and privately winning the hearts of Americans through their Dexter mercenary missions.

I sound like a whack-a-doo I used to answer phones with during fund raising times at public radio (I'm one of them). Because they have style ironic hipsters can only dream about, and they like to carry 14 memorized books around in a cat adorned tote bag, that they love to share, they get grief for being peculiar, un-kardashian, and it's only because they care and want to talk about how our country can change. Everyone is too distracted clicking heart buttons on their Instagram (I'm one of them too) to care our country is in upheaval. We all need to get schooled, and care about gun reform.

Preschool back in session, art gallery reopening

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