Thursday, August 6, 2015

Osborne Trumped Perez

Maid To Order

I read Kelly Osborne said some racist shit on a faux news shows. It's the kind of show I call The Loudest Diarrhea Mouth Wins because it's a roundtable of people who are on extreme doses of Adderall shouting passionately regardless of logic or research.
Kelly Osborne thinks Trump should rethink sending illegal Latinos out of the country because then he will have to clean his own toilet. Wowza Kelly, did you just give away a bit of information about yourself? Now I'm skeptical Kelly has a couple slaves chained up in her gothic castle.
First of all Trump is so damn rich he is not hiring illegals, and based on his disdain for them, assumes they are all murderous thieves and wouldn't let them in his house. Trump is probably paying top dollar and hiring Merry Maids. He doesn't need to take advantage of illegals or bother finding a Groupon if he wants his toilets cleaned legally and cheap.

It wasn't shocking to hear Osborne sound like a privileged racist. What I find surprising is that Rosie Perez, another roundtable member, had to issue an apology to Osborne for confronting her on saying Latinos are the country's toilet cleaners and we'd be very sad to see them go because we'd need to find a new immigrant to fill those very big shoes, or even worse, have to do it ourselves.
I had to check if The View is a NBC show because there is some Trump vs. NBC battle going on in the upper circles, and it would have been nice to attribute Perez's unnecessary apology as some political propaganda. They wanted to squash her indirect anti-anti-Trump comment.
I will be baffled by her apology for a while. Perhaps it will come out in Perez's autobiography one day. Maybe Osborne is banging a show producer and threw a baby fit about coming across as a purple haired loud mouthed racist. The theories are endless. I'm letting my imagination run with it.

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