Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Flu Countdown

Resting Duck
Three days before going to Tahoe, my niece was up all night vomiting. They suspected food poison from old macaroni and cheese. Two days before going to Tahoe, my sister was sick vomiting. They suspected food poisoning from a dingy breakfast diner. The day I arrived in Tahoe my other sister vomited all day. They suspected morning sickness. Today, George blew chunks all over the entrance of Walmart in Carson City, Nevada. We can safely say, these bouts of puking are not a series of independent illnesses, and there is a flu bug going through the family.
My sister, George and I had to go to Walmart to buy dog food. After George puked, he perked up instantly, so my sister and I figured we better get the dog food instead of go home empty handed. When George puked at the entrance I was carrying him, so a bit was on my shirt. Then my sister took him from me, brought him to a corner, and padded his back like a drunken friend, as he puked more. We smelled like melted Parmesan cheese as we quickly hiked through the mega store to find the dog section. The cashier was grinding her teeth so bad she hardly noticed we were a stinky germ infested troupe, but rather visualized her next break where she could vape crack on the side of the building.

The day I heard about my niece, I knew we were heading to a den of disease, but didn't want to miss out on the fun times. My mom, dad, Kiki and I are the last ones standing. I am starting to feel like I might be filling up with air, and my stomach is gargling loudly. I'm not sure if I'm hot or getting a low grade fever. The probability of me being wiped out by this flu is pretty high. I'm a sitting duck, and the anticipation is giving me phantom flu like symptoms. I'm screaming inside, and it sounds like this, "Come and get me, flu! Get it over with already!!"

He still has the energy to close my laptop

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