Alicia P.I. |
My first semester teaching is coming to an end. Yesterday I daydreamed about writing an inspirational email to the
students, telling them this term was just as much a learning experience for me
as it was for them. In reality, this term was a monumental experience
for me, and they’ve just ticked another class off the list of courses necessary
to transfer to a 4-year university. I was waxing poetic about how terrified I was the first day, and now I
find each of them to be delightful. Well, each of them except one, who I find to
be a terribly corrupt, aggressive, sociopath whose perfectly suited for politics, but will probably end up working at the DMV, adding to the misery.
After the first exam, this student hounded me for additional
points in such an aggressive and rude way, it felt like adult-bullying. If I overcame my disdain for confrontation, and she didn't send me an email apologizing, I’d have turned her in for it. The second exam, she approached me
afterward claiming I marked an answer wrong that was correct. She held up the
exam, and there it was, the right answer. I looked at the paper, staring at it,
thinking of my options. One was to say, “Oh, golly, what a silly mistake. Ok,
I’ll add points to your score.” and the other option was to say, “You changed
this answer as we went through the exam, and because you have zero ethics, you're lying to me straight-faced, so you can get an additional measly two points.”
I knew I didn’t mark a correct answer wrong. It takes me forever to grade tests because I’m commenting up a
storm, being meticulous, which doesn’t allow for mindless mistakes. I
chose to give in though because it felt too uncomfortable for me to accuse her
of lying, and it was just two measly points. But I put her on my watch list. Today
we went over exam three, and she came up to me after class. She started out with
an ass-kissing remark. I nodded, and half smiled, expecting her to come in for
the kill with a twenty minute argument on how she shouldn’t be marked wrong on
questions she really does know how to
solve, but didn’t write it down properly. She flipped to the last question, a
question worth only a single point, and said, “You marked this wrong,
and its right.”
I said, “Wow! What are the chances I mark correct answers
wrong on both your exams? That's incredible!”
She smiled, really demonstrating her lack of receptiveness,
and said, “I know!”
Then I said, “Well, I scanned the exams before handing
them back. So let me go and check on that, I’ll see what you had written there
before I passed it back.”
Her face went white, and she pulled her sunglasses over her
eyes. She then back peddled, “Oh, maybe I wrote the answer in when you
went over the test... because I like to review them later.”
“Uh huh.”
After class I called my dad who found the whole thing to be upsetting, and suggest I seek council from my mentor. I then called my husband. I felt
pumped up, triumphant and vindicated. He was amused and said, “If you write about
this, you can call it, ‘The End of Term.’”
I told him, “I’m thinking of calling it ‘Gotcha Bitch,' but I think the 'Bitch' would hinder promo, so maybe just 'Gotcha.'"
I have two weeks left till the final, so there will be plenty more fine tuning to my my thank-you-for-the-memories daydream email to the class. I can extend my gratitude to the students, for teaching me so many things, and in particular a very special student who taught me how to conduct a covert investigation, keep my cool when being barraged by a mindless argument, and how to disguise the correct as the incorrect. A truly valuable lesson, possibly worth an extra point... Nah.
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