Thursday, May 12, 2016

Eat Poop, Woody Allen

The bananas represent poop
Another article has been written by Ronan Farrow regarding Hollywood's turning the cheek to Woody Allen being a sick fuck, child molester. Outside the bubble of celebrity and fame, a claim of pedophilia is discrediting and alarming, however in the realm of Hollywood, Allen is still treated like a respectable artist, who has to swat at the annoying accusations made by his adopted daughter.

Firstly, what is there to question. I don't understand the reaction, "Its never been proven." Look, she's his fucking kid, who was seven years old, an age where these type of claims are not imagined or unclear. If someone can't take claims of abuse made by a seven year old seriously, then they have to acknowledge the fact that he married his other fucking daughter. That in itself, marrying his adopted child, substantiates the case that he has no problem with making sexual advances toward his children/daughters.

All the people sucking Woody Allen's dick are greedy fucks. This isn't about art, this is about money. Congratulations, you're path to hell will be paved in gold because your in bed with a troll pedophile, who raped his daughters, and then patted himself on the back for it. Woody Allen is a sick horrible person, and I predict one day his cohort of victim shamers will be dancing on his grave because they can cowardly take back all the stupid, ridiculous, asinine statements they've made aligning themselves with him because they naively considered him a persecuted artist (not once pointing out their personal gain from the allegiance.)

Allen's the depiction of evil, and its terrible to think of the charming brigade of people CHOOSING to ignore the facts for their own glory. They're almost, pretty close to being, just as awful as him.


  1. I would also take this as another example of institutional racism that is still present in America today. This guy is basically the white fucking Bill Cosby and people are happy to let it fly under the radar. Just sayin...
