Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Pinterest B

Day 3

Today in class, a student complimented my hairstyle. She asked if it took a long time, and against my will, I blushed. Flattery, I can't stop myself from glowing in it. Pinterest has taught me a few tricks on braids that are constructed in minutes and stay in tact for days. A Fundamentalist Mormon braid gets me the longest time, three days. On that third day it looks a bit fucked up, but it's my hair, and I don't care. The students have an exam on Wednesday, so maybe the compliment is an subtle way of persuading me to grade her exam with more room for error, because if you looked at the braid, it's not quite a Pinterest Fail, but more like a Pinterest C+.

Last night I dreamt I was laying in bed, just as I was, even Kiki was next to me, and a bear was standing at the side of the bed. It stood tall, on its back legs, and looked down on me. The bear was running its claw up and down my arm in a soothing way, like how I rub the kids's arms when were relaxing. This morning I delicately brushed Kiki's hair as she screamed at the top of her lungs in discomfort. This was after she prolonged getting dressed for 45 minutes, laying in bed "resting." I even brought her a smoothie for breakfast in bed, so crumbs wouldn't mess up my sheets. I told her about my dream, and she asked, "Was I there?"

The other night Kiki was laughing hysterically in her sleep. The next day I asked her about her dream, and she said she dreamt ducks were quacking, "shut-up." Kiki is pretty text book for four year old comedy; nudity and bad words are the height of humor. When were in the locker room after the pool, I'm constantly shouting, "Privacy Please!" to her because she will creep away to the shower area trying to peek at people. The type of behavior that would get a grown man jailed leads me to believe she'll grow up to be doctor.

After google research, the bear dream could mean a dozen different things, some of which are not very nice to think. Much like assuming my daughter will grow up to be a doctor, I'll go with the best option, I'm going to demonstrate fearlessness when rising to an occasion. The student who complimented my braid is a smarty-pants, and she's super stylish to boot, so I'll turn my interpretation around, and take the compliment, raising my Pinterest C+ to a solid B. She'll get an A on the test because she was always going to get an A on the test, unless something goes terribly wrong for her in the next day, but thats not the way I like to think. My mama bear spirit guide has taught me a thing or two; be courageous and unembarrassed, think of the greatest outcomes, and standing over a sleeping person and staring at them isn't creepy it all, its gratuitous flattery, a gift requiring no reciprocation.

Pinterest B

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