At Kingsley's last field trip I stood talking with another lady, one of Kingsley's classmates' grandma. She is a really nice woman, and one of the few I consider outgoing. It turns out, the grandmas are the only outgoing people at Kingsley's school. It is a bit like high school all over again, where the cool moms act like hard nosed butt faces and the funny ones seem to be less J Crew and more LL Bean. While at Kingsley's school outings, I find myself only ever hanging out with the grandmas. They are a much more entertaining group. Were usually busting a gut from laughing hard, and the cool moms look like they are all holding in poops.
My friend told me about her grandson, who is "all boy," but at 2 years old he is his sister's pet, and emulates her in all ways. When it came to his birthday presents, he wanted cars, bats, and balls, but they had to be pink. I laughed, and told her how people asked me what to get George for his birthday, and I said, "He likes trucks, and clothes are always good. Oh, and he really loves Hello Kitty."
George is "all boy." I'm going to generalize the sexes based on the behavior of my children, which is bunk, but my experience has shown that boys are wild and reckless while girls seem to be much more aware of their surrounding. Kingsley is responsive to the word "No" while George, even though I think he is a smart little potato, doesn't register negative reinforcement quickly.
I remember when he was newly walking, George would crawl under a table or desk, and then stand up forgetting the hard slab of wood above his head, and he'd slam his head hard on it. He did this thousands of times. I would sooth him, amazed while thinking, "How the fuck are you not remembering about the table tops?"
Comparing them is not healthy, but if it is a difference of sexes, then I am comparing sexes which is fine; at 2 years old, Kingsley seemed like a Columbia professor sipping peppermint tea while reading the New Yorker while George is banging on his chest and pointing to his penis shouting, "poo poo!!" Yes, he calls his penis a "Poo Poo" and with incredible pride.
This is why I think buying a dog for a little boy is brilliant. George would be the dogs satellite, following it around everywhere, and the dog would keep him safe. I am researching pups which is hard because Kingsley and I are not too fond of dogs and George would live in a den with a pack of wolves like Mowgli.
I am staying with my parents, and this morning George sat on the floor eating bread, with my mom's dog sitting facing him. George stuck out his foot, and said, "Jack lick my toes." Then Jack, my moms dog, would lick his toes. This went on for fifteen minutes.
My mom noticed that George has purple toe nails. While I was painting Kingsley's nails, George stood next to me crying hysterically for me to paint his nails. I was having a moment of what-do-I-do, and figured it would probably be healthier to paint his nails rather than tell him, his longing for painted nails is wrong, and not what men do.
If he wants to paint his nails all his life, I am fine with that, but I don't want to do something that would effect his natural inclinations. I am very happy for Bruce Jenner, but it is very sad to think he lived the majority of his life hiding something very important about him. I also don't want to do something that would make my kid have urges which would make him then have a life of shame.
My Aunt's best friend was dumped by her husband after being married twenty years because he came out as gay. I think it is great for him to be liberated, but she was a wreck. It is not all smooth sailing, lets hug it out with my gay best friend, how it looks on TV shows. She lived with him for twenty years, feeling undesired and disconnected, and felt she was putting in the good fight for their marriage, but now she is going to end up dying alone.
I hope she does't die alone, and as a total back up plan, she could move in with one of her kids. While I was looking at her, I thought she should try and loose 30 pounds. Not because it will make her sexually desirable, but because she will feel so much better about herself.
I think people who suggest curbing a philanderer or curing a dried up relationship by trying to look better are assholes. To me that is suggesting that the problem exists due to the woman's inability to maintain a desirable look, which is a fuck ton load of bull shit.
I figure, if she dropped down to a healthy weight, she'd feel better about herself then she could exude more confidence. She would meet a new guy, who will fuck her like she always wanted to be fucked, and because she is a grown ass woman now she can do it on her terms. She won't have to give up her assets, worry about loosing half her retirement, or even have to leave the comforts of her own single dwelling if she choses not to.
Thats the other thing, I wouldn't want George living a lie because it is not only about him, there are the wives. I think Caitlyn Jenner is lucky that Kris Jenner comes across as a stone cold frigid bitch because a lot of people think, oh well, its no big deal, she already has a lot going for her, but in reality, the wife is a byproduct.
Like in all rough times, it's a personal choice to step up and overcome. So to all those wives, pull up your fucking chonies, even if your husband has been wearing them on Saturday nights, and be happy for a new beginning, because that really is something special as well. You can probably get the bang job you have been craving,which is just as exciting as your ex-husband's fresh start!
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