Sunday, November 23, 2014

Sociopathic Dreams of an Aspiring Shop Girl

I woke up at 3 am from a freaky ass dream and then sat awake for an hour thinking I might be dying because my throat has a swollen gland. In my dream I was in a TV contest and whoever killed off all the other contestants won. I felt confident I was going to win even though my tactic for killing people was hardly cinematic. I’d just touch them and then they lay down with their tongue out, dead. I had no guilt or conscious about killing people and spent most the time admiring my beautiful house. I was wearing a hooded sweatshirt with white bikini bottoms while running around killing people and pleased with my lovely modern town home and personal grotto. This dream reflects that I am a vain greedy sociopath, which isn’t news to me. The dream must be the aftermath of my part time job search. Since the weekend is the only time I can put in billable hours I thought retail would be perfect. I’m used to people talking to me like a servant, I like looking at pretty things, and shooting the shit in an impersonal way is one of my greatest assets. However, once the stranger goes in for a hug or starts to tell me about a dying relative, I cringe and walk away.
I was rejected after my first interview, so when I was called for an interview with a different department I took a completely different approach. When asked how I handle competition with coworkers, I took off my soft gloves. During the first interview I spouted out all this crap about camaraderie and teamwork, but during the second interview, I was cut throat, and basically said, “Were all here to work, so I don’t care if I step on toes. I am not here to make friends.” Right after I said it, the lady gave an ear-to-ear grin, confirming that this was exactly what she wanted to hear. Another question was asked about what inspires me. During the first interview I gave some sincere, but completely boring, answer about my kids. During the second interview when they asked what inspires me I answered with straight face seriousness, “money inspires me. I want to make more and more money.” Again, big ass smile on interview lady’s face. She shook her head in agreement, like, “yep, you finally got it, bitch. We want power hungry, cut throat ass holes working here. And you better have a fucking smile, like this shit eating grin, on your face all day long while your selling these expensive ass clothes that were made for pennies on the dollar by children in 3rd world countries.”
optimistic and demoralized
The job was in the bag but then she looked at my availability and basically said, “we don’t hire people to only work Saturday and Sunday so get the fuck out of here.”

Rejected again. It has become a pattern in my life, and the really amazing thing about it is that I am becoming immune to it. I write essays and stories that I submit and they all get rejected, which at first was troublesome but now its expected so just getting a personalized rejection letter is on par with being published in the New Yorker. The most surprising part of my dream was not that I was going around killing people, but my confidence in winning. Not even a shred of doubt. When in reality my
expectations are set at “Not eva gonna happen, bitch” Clearly my psyche has not gotten onboard with my new downtrodden disposition. After I woke up I had a terrible sore throat from my cough and a swollen glad that had me questioning if I am dying. I climbed out of bed, went to the kitchen for a throat lozenge and threw out my cigarettes. My heightened anxiety about death would surely be forgotten the next night when I’m looking to unwind before bed. I’ll take this amnesia as a sign of optimism in a time of demoralization. Even though I’m drowning in rejection, deep down I’m still certain the rejection won’t last forever. It just took a dream about murdering people followed by restless fears that I’m terminally ill to reaffirm my confidence.

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