Not Joe Dirt |
Wednesday I have a job interview. Back to putting up with the soup. This entails doing something with my wild mane of hair, so my outside reflects my inside. I need it to say, I am a woman who cares about how I look, at least Monday thru Friday, 8 am to 5 pm.
Not only do I color my own hair, but I cut it too. How can you tell if I'm in a highly reflective state, and feel like the weight of the world is about to squash me, I usually grab a pair of scissors, and give myself a nice modern haircut, that makes no sense to anyone but me. "Why did you cut a nice duck tuft on your head, Alicia?"
"Oh, this?! I call it reverse bangs. It represents having eyes in the back of my head, or seeing too much. Do you like it?" I say, too proudly.
"Oh, um, well, yes. It's fabulous. You're fabulous." They say, tugging their kid gloves up to their elbows.
I am going to give myself a sensible trim, and an all-over color job tonight. My mom remarks that my unkept hair is an indication that I don't make myself a priority. I don't like to point out to her that I carve out plenty of "me time," seeing as how I maintain an active blog, run a lot of miles in a week, and spend at least five hours working on other writing projects. But to my mom, it is the presentation thats most important. She sees my legs, that look like I've been camping for three weeks, and she says, "Oh wow, you're depressed. You've let yourself go."
Then, I have to do something to show her there are different paths for people, and mine does not entail doing my hair for an hour each morning. So I grab a steak knife out of the cutlery drawer and grab a chunk of hair in front of my face and swiftly chop it. Then I say, "You reminded me, I want to cut bangs, but just half a face worth. Wow, mom, you're right. I haven't felt this good in ages!"
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